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David A. Bailey, Jr

Learning a new language is a fun and exciting process. And if you want to develop your skills rapidly...you must focus on learning new vocabulary words as soon as possible. But just learning language vocabulary randomly isn't enough to guarantee your success. So, make sure to implement these seven steps to increase your vocabulary.

Step #1: Develop The Right Mindset

The very first thing you need to do is develop the right mindset to increase your vocabulary and learn a new language. This is very important. Before you even begin, you need to believe in yourself. If you don't you are going to end up sabotaging your success.

You've probably heard the old saying "If You Think You Can...You Are Right". And the opposite is also true. "If you think you can't...You Are Also Right."

But the fact is...you can learn a new language. The fact that you already learned your mother-tongue proves that you have all the skills and abilities that you need to learn a second, a third, and as many other languages as you want.

Step #2: Set Clear, Concrete Goals

The next thing you need to do is set clear, concrete goals. You need to understand why you are learning the language. You need to write down your ultimate objective...in other words what you are setting out to accomplish.

And by writing it down on paper, you are declaring to yourself how much language vocabulary you are going to learn and in how much time. So, you need to set a time frame. Otherwise it is just a wish, something that you are thinking about, but it's not a goal until you define a time frame to accomplish it in.

Step #3: Create An Action Plan

Then you need create an action plan to achieve you ultimate objection...your final goal. So write down what you need to do to make that happen. There are several ways to develop plans.

There is one very useful technique called a 'Backward Plan' where you will start with the last thing you want to accomplish. Then you will list out each of things you need to do before that in reverse order for that to happen.

So, write down each action that you will need to take one-by-one on a piece of paper. Then you can choose your milestones. From this list, you will choose your short, mid, and long-term goals.

Step #4: Learn 'Learning Strategies'

Now that you know what your goals are, you can learn some 'learning strategies' like the Association & Visualization Method where you basically substitute words for each sound of the word that you are learning. Then you create vivid mental images so that you can associate the images together as in the 'Keyword Method'.

There are several methods like the link method and the peg method, but the keyword method of learning is very useful and effect for mastering new vocabulary words.

Step #5: Implement Tactics

After that, you can implement learning tactics to make sure you reach your goals. You can observe other language students to find out what they are doing. Then test & try different the different vocabulary learning ideas to see how they work.

This way you can find what works best for you. There are lots of ways to learn a new language. I've counted over 90 ways to learn and practice your language skills. And there are probably even more than that.

Obviously you won't be able to apply them all, but test them and see which work best for you to help you reach your vocabulary goals. Then begin to apply them on a consistent basis.

Step #6: Develop A Routine

It is important to develop a consistent routine to create positive habits. If you only do something once or twice, it won't make much difference in your vocabulary learning.

But if you do it over and over, it will become a powerful force that can change your life and bring about the language learning results you desire almost automatically without even thinking about it.

So, begin to set aside specific times to study the language and increase your vocabulary. It can be in the morning, at lunchtime, at night...or whenever it's best for you. But begin to set aside that time you need to study and implement these strategies and tactics to reach your goals.

Also, make sure that you review your goals often. Each day remind yourself of what it is that you are trying to accomplish and why. Then create a list of the things you need to do or study in the language to bring you closer to your vocabulary goals.

Step #7: Celebrate Your Victories

When you reach your goal, make sure to celebrate your victories. Throw yourself a party. Pat yourself on the back. Get excited about your language learning accomplishments.

Then go ahead and review what you did as well as evaluate your progress. That way you can set new goals & targets to take your skills to the next level.

Want More Vocbulary Tips? David A. Bailey, shares his best, top-secret, and little-know tips and tricks to help you increase your language vocabulary at http://EXLsite.com/vocab where you can Discover My #1 Secret To Improve Vocab FAST!

Get more FREE articles, videos, webcasts, and information about how to improve your language vocabulary at http://EXLsite.com/vocab.

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