English Learning Tips For Students
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David A. Bailey, Jr

There are many ways to learn and practice a new language online. And as you probably already know, learning new vocabulary is essential to your development in the language. Learning new vocabulary is one of the fastest ways to develop your language fluency and proficiency.

Idea #1: Read And Listen A Lot

If you want to learn and improve your vocabulary, one of the fastest ways to do that is by reading a lot or listening to the language. You learn new words through these passive activities.

You don't learn new words by speaking or writing. These are active abilities that you need to develop, but they only allow you to practice what you already know.

Reading and listening to new words in context allows you to see how they are used. That way you can understand what they mean and grasp them implicitly...without having to look every word up in the dictionary.

Idea #2: Write New Words Down

This is important because you forget the words if you don't review them often. This is an area that bothers many language students. They learn a new word and then soon forget it.

You can avoid this problem by writing the words down on flashcards or in a phrasebook that you can carry around with you to review in your spare moments throughout the day.

If you are a little more sophisticated, you can use your computer or cell phone to keep track of the new words that you are learning as well.

Idea #3: Make Sentences With Them

Take each of your words and write out complete sentences that you can practice throughout the day. Try creating various sentences while you play around with the new word and discover how it is used.

Use these new words throughout the day as often as you can when talking with other language students or native speakers. The more you use these words the more comfortable you will feel about using them.

Idea #4: Connect The Dots

You can become a vocabulary detective. Go looking for new words and find them all around you. When you come across a new word, try to discover what it means. You can use clues from the word itself, like prefixes, suffixes, or the root of the word to find out what it means.

You can also use the clues from the contexts to find out what it means as well. As you do this, map out the word and compare it to similar words that have the same meaning. Also, try to come up with other words that mean the exact opposite.

Idea #5: Associate The Words

When you learn new words, break them down and associate them with something you already know through an Association & Visualization Technique like the 'Keyword Method'.

Break the word down and substitute the sounds. Create vivid visualizations of those substitutions that you come up with. Associate those substitute sounds with the original sounds so that you remember them easier.

Idea #6: Review Words Learned at Specific Intervals

Set aside time to review your words on a frequent basis. You will frequently come across the most common words in English. So, you don't necessarily have to review these during your study time. Just look for them when you read books or come in contact with the language.

Other words that aren't as frequent, however, do need to be reviewed and recycled from time to time. A great tool to use in this case is an SRS - a Spaced Repetition System. This is nothing more than a fancy, electronic flashcard system. But it can be very useful to review your new vocabulary words.

The advantage of an SRS is that the software uses special algorithms to keep track of how often each words needs to be reviewed. Words that give you the most trouble will be reviewed on a daily basis...while easier, well-known words are reviewed only weekly or monthly.

Idea #7: Play Word Games

Last, but not least...you can play word games to improve your vocabulary and review the words you know. These can be as simple as a memory game where you flip cards over to try to match the word with the definition.

Other common, yet fun games are search-a-words and crossword puzzles. You can even make up your own games online for free and use the words you are learning. The great thing about learning with games is that it won't even feel like you are studying.

David A. Bailey, shares his best, top-secret, and little-know tips and tricks to help you increase your language vocabulary at http://EXLsite.com/vocab where you can Discover My #1 Secret To Improve Vocab FAST!

You can get more free articles, videos, and webcasts on language vocabulary to improve your language learning at http://EXLsite.com/vocab.

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