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Anonymous - 2015-06-02
In response to Baidawei Changchun and David P (Jessie R)

For my review I do wish to remain anonymous. I can this about working for baidawei. Is that a great portion of which you described Jessie I have experienced. Maybe not all but some. I can say this is I would not recommend working for baidawei. This is a training school that even though you are working 20-25 hrs a week you will be putting in double the amount of time. If you have an issue or complaint it will be looked at the other way. If you want to properly defend yourself you will be looked at as an enemy or a distraction to other staff.(basically make baidawei look bad if you are complaining about them).... I do have to say David did help me out of a situation but i believe it was for his own personal gain to make himself look good in the eyes of others. But be prepared for chinese teachers who don't care about their job and be prepared to be disrespected by the chinese staff. I can personally say this had happen to me many times. Even though David and the managers may look good on the outside.... You have yet to see what they have in store for you on the inside. They will play nice and act like everything you are doing is okay and fine but they will stab you in the back when you least suspect it.

Now the positive experience..... I can't stress this enough but I am forever grateful for the friends I have been able to make here at the school they have become a 2nd family to me. And when some of those friends heard that I was leaving baidawei that it was a blessing in disuse..... The children are forever forgetful. I am so happy I got to meet each and every child in my class. I loved teaching them and getting them to play games and hear their laughter made me forget how much I hated working for baidawei. I urge you DO NOT WORK FOR BAIDAWEI. I am doing my best to not make this a personal attack and focus on my experience alone. The reality is all schools whether they are a training school, kindergarten or company... you will have these battles. Make sure you do your homework.... I didn't/couldn't because of my personal situation I needed a job fast and took the first one I could get.... If I had time I would of politely declined..... My first meeting with BAIDAWEI I felt I was in an interrogation room.. Time and time again I kept getting ask if I was giving cards to help me around the city... That never happened, Training RARELY HAPPEN. The first day I was hired I observed 2 days and then left to fend myself. If any wants to personally contact me please state so in the forum and I will find a way to give you my contact information. Because that's just the icing on the cake... Everyone that has left reviews I can relate to almost every person in some sort of way. So I would be just replicating what they said. But this is my true first hand experience with me.

Bottom line is everything Jesse is saying is true and I stand behind him 100% and wish everyone reading up on baidawei the best of luck

Not that this says anything...... If my calculations are correct in the last two years there have been 12 runners alone. One runner I personally was getting to know but never found out the reason she ran.... The question david ask us in our mandated less then 24hr notice emergency meeting was "why?" If there have been so many runners you should know the answer. Yet I haven't been there long enough to know the answer after reading further into Jessie's review I don't blame them for running and I feel bad that they ran.... Because they were great teachers that could of made a really great experience for the children here.

Warning David will try to influence and manipulate reviews to make him look like the victim. He will make it sound that they are just teachers who want to personally attack the school with nothing to back it up.... Well this has been my experience and there is nothing that can change my mind. The only thing I will miss is the children and my dear coworkers. Take care everyone

Messages In This Thread
Baidawei Changchun and David P -- Jessie R -- 2015-05-20
Re Baidawei Changchun and David P -- JamesD -- 2015-08-31
Re Baidawei Changchun and David P -- Anonymous -- 2015-06-02
Re Baidawei Changchun and David P -- martin hainan -- 2015-05-20
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