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John O' Shei - 2014-07-25
In response to Re CZZ CHINA READ, READ, READ (Uk12345)

Typical shit school tactics, blame employee dissatisfaction upon employee's failure to adapt to local conditions.

It won't wash.

The same old macho 'This is China' bullshit too... Not the favoured approach at higher class companies that actually value their staff, is it?

A free shitty apartment is always worse than a decent place that you rent by yourself. It affects your quality of life, whether it be due to overall comfort, commuting distance or amount of sleep.

As for this:

There's no need to get personal, people are trying to do there jobs regardless of your personal views , your entitled to your opinion but its unprofessional of you to start making personal comments

Are you a retarded foreign teacher or just one of the Chinese staff? There's some pretty laughable mistakes there, lol.

Messages In This Thread
CZZ CHINA READ, READ, READ -- Texas Chuckles -- 2014-07-22
Re CZZ CHINA READ, READ, READ -- Uk12345 -- 2014-07-25
Re CZZ CHINA READ, READ, READ -- John O' Shei -- 2014-07-25
Re CZZ CHINA READ, READ, READ -- Foreign Devil 2004 -- 2015-06-17
Re CZZ CHINA READ, READ, READ -- Raymond -- 2015-06-17
Re CZZ CHINA READ, READ, READ -- ZZlaowai87 -- 2014-07-23
Re CZZ CHINA READ, READ, READ -- formerZhengzhou -- 2015-08-12
Re CZZ CHINA READ, READ, READ -- ZZlaowai87 -- 2014-07-23
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