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Uk12345 - 2014-07-25
In response to CZZ CHINA READ, READ, READ (Texas Chuckles)

I've had no problems with CZZ everyone is very helpful, I've always been paid on time, had help any time that I needed it.
Like said in the comment below, its China. The apartments are different, the cultures different everything is different, maybe it's not for you but lets remember the apartment is free for the teachers? so I personally don't think its fair to complain about that. There's no need to get personal, people are trying to do there jobs regardless of your personal views, your entitled to your opinion but its unprofessional of you to start making personal comments on people just because you have had a bad experience.

Once again, In my experience I have had no problems what so ever, Dana Marco and everyone else that works at the company have all made my working experience in China a very comfortable one and if I every have an problems there is always someone to help!
I knew what was in my contract before I came and everything in the contract has been met. Also China can sometimes be very last minute but thats no ones fault you just have to roll with it!!!

Maybe China wasn't for you.

Messages In This Thread
CZZ CHINA READ, READ, READ -- Texas Chuckles -- 2014-07-22
Re CZZ CHINA READ, READ, READ -- Uk12345 -- 2014-07-25
Re CZZ CHINA READ, READ, READ -- John O' Shei -- 2014-07-25
Re CZZ CHINA READ, READ, READ -- Foreign Devil 2004 -- 2015-06-17
Re CZZ CHINA READ, READ, READ -- Raymond -- 2015-06-17
Re CZZ CHINA READ, READ, READ -- ZZlaowai87 -- 2014-07-23
Re CZZ CHINA READ, READ, READ -- formerZhengzhou -- 2015-08-12
Re CZZ CHINA READ, READ, READ -- ZZlaowai87 -- 2014-07-23
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