ESL_IN_ASIA - 2004-10-22
In response to RE: Ageism (Laowai)

You definitely have a good point. However, some societies make such acts of discrimination illegal. Whether one can prove to that effect is another matter. A company can always say, oh Im sorry but we found a more qualified person. Thats hard to debunk.

However, to put ads in the paper, as they do in Europe and Asia, stipulating you cant be over 30 for a job is REALLY blatant.

And the chap about Australia is correct too. For example, you CANT migrate to Australia if you are over 45period. Thats simply not true in the US or Canada. And thats an immigration law, so that's an example of ageism sanctioned by the Australian government.

In general, I find, North America is the most tolerant with age, sex, and nationalities. Other nations, and Ive lived in several, seem to lag behind about 100 years. Its just the way it is but its changing. Women in Japan, for example, are slowly moving into the work force, 50 years after American women, but its a change.

But all of this really has to do with a tight labour market, doesn't it. Obviously, if a company needs workers, then if someone can do the job regardless of age, nationality, or sex, then they would be considered anyway. Its just that big corporations have the upper hand and weve willingly given it to them.

Messages In This Thread
The Real Thing -- What's In A Name -- 2004-10-13
VIVA ESL! -- The Arrogant One -- 2004-10-18
Red Herrings, brush offs and belittlements.... -- Madge -- 2004-10-14
always hiring -- What's In A Name -- 2004-10-14
three cheers... -- ESL_IN_ASIA -- 2004-10-14
Well said -- Dos -- 2004-10-14
glad to hear this -- What's In A Name -- 2004-10-14
agism is alive and well -- bulldog -- 2004-10-14
RE: Ageism -- Laowai -- 2004-10-21
good point -- ESL_IN_ASIA -- 2004-10-22
Age...Age...Age....! -- The Arrogant One -- 2004-10-22
Ageism -- OnceWritten -- 2004-10-25
Ageism can be a funny animal ... -- The Arrogant One -- 2004-10-27
give me the old days... -- ESL_IN_ASIA -- 2004-10-22

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