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John O'Shei - 2018-03-29

Sometimes, they let the heavily censored social media networks and intimation from the online gang mentality fool them into thinking that they control the narrative. Thankfully, this board struggles to attract them to the same extent, just like all the expat websites in China and I expect that it is pretty much done. After all, not only is there WeChat for those in China, but the cool kids with VPNs are probably on Twitter, their Tumblrs etc.

Step into any pub with a more working class clientele or even enter a private Facebook group mainly consisting of such people, rather than faggy millennial soyboys; and you'll now find that they are actually being galvanised by their doubling down. When Western men are pushed into a corner, they don't just simply loot and riot; they tend to overthrow governments, efficiently remove enemies by the (((gorillion))) and redraw world maps.

Something big and coming and I actually fear that some people were so frustrated and pissed off by their ways of life and their personal characters being constantly under attack by the left, that some are actually turning racist when they weren't racist at all before; despite all what the left said about them! Some people are developing a mindset along the lines of: "If we're going to be classed as racist due to our skin colour anyway, why not go the whole hog?"

Messages In This Thread
Chinese women keep on proving how greedy and stupid they are. -- Silverboy -- 2018-03-29
Re Chinese women keep on proving how greedy and stupid they are. -- caring -- 2018-03-29
Re Chinese women keep on proving how greedy and stupid they are. -- Silverboy -- 2018-03-29
Re Chinese women keep on proving how greedy and stupid they are. -- Brock The Badger -- 2018-03-29
Re Chinese women keep on proving how greedy and stupid they are. -- Brock The Badger -- 2018-03-29
Re Chinese women keep on proving how greedy and stupid they are. -- pandamic -- 2018-03-29
Re Chinese women keep on proving how greedy and stupid they are. -- Silverboy -- 2018-03-29
Re Chinese women keep on proving how greedy and stupid they are. -- Bollix -- 2018-03-29
Re Chinese women keep on proving how greedy and stupid they are. -- Silverboy -- 2018-03-29
Re Chinese women keep on proving how greedy and stupid they are. -- Brock The Badger -- 2018-03-29
Re Chinese women keep on proving how greedy and stupid they are. -- Brock The Badger -- 2018-03-29
Re Chinese women keep on proving how greedy and stupid they are. -- Silverboy -- 2018-03-29
Re Chinese women keep on proving how greedy and stupid they are. -- Brock The Badger -- 2018-03-29
Re Chinese women keep on proving how greedy and stupid they are. -- Silverboy -- 2018-03-29
Re Chinese women keep on proving how greedy and stupid they are. -- John O'Shei -- 2018-03-29
Re Chinese women keep on proving how greedy and stupid they are. -- Grand Intellect -- 2018-03-29
Re Chinese women keep on proving how greedy and stupid they are. -- Silverboy -- 2018-03-29
Re Chinese women keep on proving how greedy and stupid they are. -- John O'Shei -- 2018-03-29
Re Chinese women keep on proving how greedy and stupid they are. -- John O'Shei -- 2018-03-29
Re Chinese women keep on proving how greedy and stupid they are. -- Grand Intellect -- 2018-03-29
Re Chinese women keep on proving how greedy and stupid they are. -- Silverboy -- 2018-03-29
Re Chinese women keep on proving how greedy and stupid they are. -- John O'Shei -- 2018-03-29
Re Chinese women keep on proving how greedy and stupid they are. -- Brock The Badger -- 2018-03-29
Re Chinese women keep on proving how greedy and stupid they are. -- Silverboy -- 2018-03-29
Re Chinese women keep on proving how greedy and stupid they are. -- Brock The Badger -- 2018-03-29
Re Chinese women keep on proving how greedy and stupid they are. -- Brock The Badger -- 2018-03-29
Re Chinese women keep on proving how greedy and stupid they are. -- John O'Shei -- 2018-03-29
Re Chinese women keep on proving how greedy and stupid they are. -- Dragonized -- 2018-03-29
Re Chinese women keep on proving how greedy and stupid they are. -- pandamic -- 2018-03-29
Re Chinese women keep on proving how greedy and stupid they are. -- Dragonized -- 2018-03-29
Re Chinese women keep on proving how greedy and stupid they are. -- pandamic -- 2018-03-29
Re Chinese women keep on proving how greedy and stupid they are. -- Brock The Badger -- 2018-03-29
Re Chinese women keep on proving how greedy and stupid they are. -- John O'Shei -- 2018-03-29
Re Chinese women keep on proving how greedy and stupid they are. -- Silverboy -- 2018-03-29
Re Chinese women keep on proving how greedy and stupid they are. -- Silverboy -- 2018-03-29
Re Chinese women keep on proving how greedy and stupid they are. -- John O'Shei -- 2018-03-29
Re Chinese women keep on proving how greedy and stupid they are. -- Silverboy -- 2018-03-29
Re Chinese women keep on proving how greedy and stupid they are. -- John O'Shei -- 2018-03-29
Re Chinese women keep on proving how greedy and stupid they are. -- Silverboy -- 2018-03-29
Re Chinese women keep on proving how greedy and stupid they are. -- Brock The Badger -- 2018-03-29
View Thread · Previous · Next Return to Index › Re Chinese women keep on proving how greedy and stupid they are.

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