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The Arrogant One - 2004-10-05
In response to Ah! (xi)

> Are you patronizing me you worthless ##. Who the hell do you
> think you are?

> XI


Dear Miss Xi-Xi ...

Perhaps Mr. Dos is too much of a gentleman to answer your post in the manner it befits, but I guarantee you, I suffer from no such prohibition.

And they call ME "arrogant!" Great God in Heaven! I'm an amateur in comparison to YOU! How the hell OLD are you, anyway. I admit that I've been 'around the block' more than a few times in my lifetime, but YOU ... you sound like a #@!%& TEENAGER who suffers from a nagging mother and an indifferent father ... which could very well explain WHY you insist upon hurling insult upon insult at even those on the board who have merely asked you innocent questions. Jesus, Mary, and Joseph ... are you really THAT much of a jackass? Evidently so. You must TRY to drive into your cranium the fact that there is certainly nothing wrong with one's holding a different philosophy or point of view, for it is quite clear that your meeting up with anyone supporting such differences acts as a signal for you to go on a rampage of condemnation greatly prefaced by racism and other forms of bigotry. My dear YOU: if, indeed, your performance is waged truly in defense of your socio-political culture (which is hard for me to believe), I pity the future of your country in the world community! Granted the USA fails to present a "perfect" system, it most certainly IS based upon the recognition and acceptance of those of other colors and cultural backgrounds. Apparently, you choose to neither recognize nor respect the stimulating social and highly educational experience that this board proudly represents.

Miss Xi-Xi ... I know that we have had our differences, and most of it has been QUITE humorous (at least from MY standpoint). But now I am TRULY concerned about the state of your MENTAL HEALTH. I am definitely NOT a psychiatrist, albeit if your medical coverage will allow it, I'd IMMEDIATELY take full advantage of same in the form of an apparently long-overdue examination. Please don't display YOUR "denial" with regard to such a vital issue. Think SERIOUSLY about it before issuing one of your famous nasty retorts.

(Lord knows, I'm trying to be...)
Your friend,

The (not-so-)Arrogant One

Messages In This Thread
Now let's give the POSITIVE aspects equal time. -- The Arrogant One -- 2004-10-03
Agencies -- Eddie -- Teacher in Hainan -- 2004-10-12
Hail the arrogant one !! -- annerob -- 2004-10-03
Are you serious? -- xi -- 2004-10-03
'There you go again!' --- like a #!@& alarm clock! -- The Arrogant One -- 2004-10-03
Sigh -- Dos -- 2004-10-04
Ah! -- xi -- 2004-10-04
A piece of friendly advice, Ms. Xi-Xi -- The Arrogant One -- 2004-10-05
One time only -- Dos -- 2004-10-04
I know it's corny, -- xi -- 2004-10-04
Aw, gee! -- xi -- 2004-10-04
Postscript ... -- The Arrogant One -- 2004-10-04
English teacher? -- xi -- 2004-10-04
YOU MISSED THE BOAT.....AGAIN! -- The Arrogant One -- 2004-10-04
your argument fails... -- xi -- 2004-10-04
??? -- The Arrogant One -- 2004-10-04
Look son, you've said your piece. How about you give it a rest for now. -- xi -- 2004-10-04
She sounds like a divorced woman -- Big Bear -- 2004-10-12
Reading comprehension problems? -- Laowai -- 2004-10-03
Ask a question, get a bad answer -- xi -- 2004-10-03
Cupid ,where for art thou? -- annerob -- 2004-10-04
XI, Please respond. -- annerob -- 2004-10-05
Just Five??? -- annerob -- 2004-10-03
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