English Learning Tips For Students
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Maria Robert

Each age group of students may experience one or more kinds of difficulties in studying English. In this article I will briefly discuss the specific problems relating to the factors of posture, time and money. The following restrictions do not recognize international boundaries.

Students in their youth do not generally attach great importance to learning English. Football, friends, internet games, listening to music and hanging out with friends are some of the most important things to worry about. At this age, a life of work and family still seems years away, and learning English is generally not seen as a commitment for admission to a quality college or university that can lead to a fulfilling career income above the average. In short, the rest of the world is more important than learning English.

In South Korea, the favorite pastime of the age of the students is sleeping, followed by the second place, drinking Soju (rice wine alcohol high) while playing billiards.

Students whose career has just begun, those who have the equivalent of a bachelor, now realize the potential revenue when they go and get a masters degree. Many of these young people are now married with a child and they do not realize their economic goals without graduate degrees. So they start English classes to further their chances of passing the TOEFL or GRE to raise the admission given to a college or university in the United States. The problems I see and hear from these students is that their jobs and families take much of their energy and time, with little time and energy to devote to study English. I see a large population of students who failed to complete the amount of English study required to pass the TOEFL or GRE with a score high enough for admission to college or university in the United States.

The cost of courses in English is another problem. Family budgets are so tight that many students withdraw from classes because food for the baby and paying rent for the house are the priorities. The dream of entering a university in the United States and returning home with a master hand, slowly fade into the future, the present and the past as the years pass quickly.

The next population of students who are struggling to improve their English are accountants, managers of import-export, middle managers, vice presidents and presidents of national and international companies. This group of students are about ten to fifteen years into a new job over and now it is very important to communicate effectively in English, mainly due to globalization and the expansion of international trade. In many of these cases, as in the two examples above, other factors interfere with the performance of students and their goals. Many professionals in the national and international community are already exhausted by the time English classes begin, usually at five or six in the evening. Red eyes, overtime complaints, and subtle contractions in the muscles, high blood pressure, weakened immune systems, and other diseases associated with overwork and stress hinder the progress of these students to improve their skills in English. With the average age and deteriorating health, the days to playing snooker and drinking soju after work with colleagues are long gone.

So to summarize, each age has its own obstacles to the acquisition or improvement of skills related to English. Of course there is the exceptional group of students of all ages who persevere and succeed in their studies.

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