English Learning Tips For Students
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Charles Dodd White

English is challenging because of its complexity. However, it is powerful because of its specificity. Mastering a fluent use of English will improve your interactions in an English-speaking society. The advanced application of English means knowing what works under what conditions and why. Fluency will allow you an ease of communication in business and social settings, while promoting your grasp of the nuances of English-speaking culture.

Entertainment Media
Media outlets provide a ready source of fluently spoken English, accessible at the flip of a switch. Television programming, radio broadcasts and films are excellent sources for learning fluent English. They are especially helpful because they can include both formal and informal speech. Political discussion shows typically feature some kind of debate structure. Ideally, these shows will exercise a high level of diction and more sophisticated ideas than featured in pure entertainment programs. These kinds of more challenging shows will introduce you to a higher level of language, the kind more appropriate to professional settings. On the other hand, dramas and comedies will feature a mix of formal and informal language. These types of programs will enhance your fluency in social situations.

Read Widely
Good reading leads to good expression. This means you need to read the best work, both fiction and nonfiction, if you want to know language implicitly. Literary classics are a great place to start. Novels of the 19th century might be more grandiose in syntax than the average contemporary speaker, but the vocabulary tends to be much more developed. Balance this with a broad reading of top literary books on the market today, and you will have the foundation of strong vocabulary combined with the supple control of sentences that is such a strength of contemporary writing.

Attend Free Lectures
Most universities feature free lectures open to the public. Attending these events not only introduces you to new and stimulating material, it exposes you to the conversant form of academic English. The level of the discussion should provide you with new examples for excellence. Take an active part in this community. Plus, you may have the chance to make friends with others who share your interest. The people you surround yourself with will certainly have an impact on your proficiency with language. Continual exposure to good speech will have its effect.

Open Yourself to Culture
Fluency is the province of the educated. Whether this education comes through formal or informal means is irrelevant. In informal terms, show an interest in the local culture and arts scene. Attend book readings, festivals and theater. Discover the artists that live in your area. Creative people have a vested interest in speaking well. Language is the medium for their art. Make every day into a learning opportunity.

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