English Learning Tips For Students
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John Doey

Do you want to become fluent in American English? If so, continue reading, because you are in the right place. This article is for you! I'm going to show you three simple tips to become fluent in American English quickly. Put these tips to use and you can become a fluent speaker even within a few months (if you already speak some English). Here they are!

1. How badly do you want it?

How badly do you want to improve your English skills? It's about your priorities - if you really want to become fluent, develop a routine to work on your skills every single day for at least an hour. Thanks to this, you'll quickly notice an improvement.

2. Live through it

Immerse yourself in American English and use it, not "study" it (that is: learn dozens of grammar rules or hundreds of new words). Learning by immersing yourself is the best way to learn a language - it's easy, it's fun and it's very effective (because you learn from native speakers). If you can do something in English instead of doing it in your native language (for example watching movies), do it in English.

3. Work on your speaking skills

Many learners neglect these skills. Don't be one of these people. Speaking skills are extremely important - you can't become a fluent speaker if you don't work on them. Improve your accent, work on your self-confidence (to speak confidently) and don't forget to speak at every opportunity! The more you speak, the better you are in your new language. The best way to work on your American English speaking skills is to speak with Americans. Don't forget to work on your accent!

That's how you can become fluent in American English quickly. Put these tips to use and you should achieve your goal even within a few months. Good luck and have fun while speaking American English!

Bonus: 4. Get free lessons on how to learn an American accent
Click Learn American Accent http://www.learnamericanaccenthq.com/ and sign up right now to get your FREE lessons on how to learn an American accent!

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