English Learning Tips For Students
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John Doey

Do you want to learn to speak English fluently? If so, keep reading, because you are in the right place. In this article I'm going to help you improve your English skills and become a fluent speaker! Here are three very important tips on how to learn to speak English fluently.

1. Travel

Believe me, it's the best way to practice your new language and English is no exception. English is the official language of dozens of countries and even if you are learning American English and go to the United Kingdom, you'll still have a chance to work on your English skills. It's something totally different than practicing at home, without native speakers and without speaking with them face to face in real time.

2. Use online communities

One of the best ways to improve your writing skills is to find a message board in your target language related to your interests (for example about travel or music), sign up on it and start interacting with native speakers.

3. Be a speaker, not an observer

Many language schools tend to concentrate on grammar and listening skills. Sorry, but you won't become fluent in English if you only learn it in a class. You need to learn on your own.

It's all about using English, not "studying" it. That's why learning in a class is one of the least effective ways to learn a language - because you can't learn in a class how to use your new language in the field.

That's it - three very important tips on how to learn to speak English fluently. Keep in mind that the only way to become fluent in a language is to practice a lot and practice in the field. Good luck and have fun while speaking English fluently!

Bonus: 4. Get free lessons on how to learn an American accent
Click Learn American Accent http://www.learnamericanaccenthq.com/ and sign up right now to get your FREE lessons on how to learn an American accent!

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