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Michael L Wilson

I had so much fun writing the last article, "Learn English- Get the Idiomatic Expression Right!", that I just had to do a follow up. That word, "get", has got to be one of the most gettin' down expressions that we need to get right! What a mouthful! But don't be in fear. Let's learn English by the way it's used. Hone in on some of the idiomatic expression and use them to the full. It will start to become second hand to you. And it will make you blend in better with the locals.

GET over it
This is used when you need to forget something.
1) Sample: I can see that he hurt your feelings. You shouldn't hold it against him. You need to get over it.
2) Sample: You'll never get even with him. You need to get over it.

Other related idiomatic expressions.
1) What's done is done.
2) It's water under the bridge.

GET down (Now, this expression is a bit old. But it is still in use and will get you quite a few smiles with those with gray hair.)
1) Sample: That was some good music. Those guitarists were gettin' down.
a.Did you notice that we used an apostrophe after the "gettin" part? That is because we dropped a letter at the end of the word. Some idiomatic expressions would sound out of place if you pronounced the entire word. That also helps us to see that some expressions would not be appreciated by all onlookers. Also, that not all would understand the expression. It could be considered slang in some circles.

GET an idea (Americans often use this expression in place of another one, HAVE an idea. They are often interchangeable.)
1) Sample: Hey! I've got an idea!
2) Sample: Hold on. I'm getting an idea.
Other related idiomatic expressions.
1) The idea just popped into my head.
2) The light went on.

GET away with it
Sometimes, Americans use this expression to show their excitement for having escaped. Or, it can be the result of having avoided justice.
1) Sample: Don't tell anyone. It looks like we got away with it.
2) Sample: The thief thought he got away with it. Then, he saw the Policeman.
Other related idiomatic expressions.
1) He got away with bloody murder.
2) She got away by the skin of her teeth.

Idiomatic expressions, like with the verb "get", can add flavor to the spoken tongue. They also add a bit of slang to your vocabulary. Be careful not to offend. But have fun! That's all part of learning English. And learning to speak like an American.

Find a complete album of videos for learning English for ESL learners on my YouTube channel at http://www.youtube.com/user/englishsponge

Mr. Wilson is a teacher and trainer who has over 25 years in the education field. As a double certified TESOL Instructor he has volunteered much of his time over the years to help people learn language and better their lives. He now teaches language live over the internet in both an individual and group format. He has engrossed himself in the study of heightening memory capability while grasping a new language.

Find out more at http://www.youtube.com/user/englishsponge

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