ESL Jobs in China
School -- Hangzhou
zhejiang shure ren univeristy is situated in Hangzhou, Zhejiang provice.
one of its college is recruiing English Native teachers for next symester.
1. Our foreign language college recruits only British or Americans to work as a full-time teacher . ( asked to work from Feb22 ,2017).
2. He or she must must have a bachelor or master degree.
3.He or she must have TESOL or TEFEl certificate.
4. Salary will be more than 1,2000 yuan for a very experienced teacher. Housing is free of charge.
5. We just recruit people with British nationality or American Nationality .
6.. He or she must have a clean bill of health , no crime record.
7. He or she will be asked to teach oral English for English major students here in our university. ( 16 periods a week)