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John Garrison <> - 2018-05-29

I teach ‘all’ english courses and have over 15 years experience as a teacher. I can teach you with the fastest learning systems.

contact me at:
thank you

I teach:

:Pronunciation/Accent Reduction and Vocabulary course
:Business English
:Daily English
:Conversation English - Speaking and Listening.
:Academic writing (essays, theses, etc.)
:IELTS exam preparation
:TOEFL exam preparation
:School interview English - in 3 to 5 classes I can help you get into any school.
:Job interview English - in 3 to 5 classes I can help you get any job or promotion .
:Resume and cover letter help

I have a ‘Bachelors degree in civil engineering’, plus I have spent more than ’30,000 hours’ studying the history of business and sciences, and I love to study.

Let’s have fun working together to learn english.

I teach differently from the old style teachers, in my class room YOU are the Boss, I am here to serve you, so think of me as your brother and best friend,

I will teach YOU how to manage your brain as we learn english with the fastest learning strategies.

You also need to know, I (Rooster) John Garrison am the greatest online english teacher in the history of the entire industry. Which means I have the highest percentage success rate for getting students to pass the exams and interviews and how to improve your daily english.

How I became the greatest teacher is by creating a system to help the students answer all of the questions on the exam and interviews and how to improve your daily english.. The system is called;

Direct Communicating.

I can take any student that has gotten a 4 or 5 on the IELTS and get them a 6 or a 6.5 in 10 to 20 classes with the Direct Communicating system I invented. I teach you how to use the English that got you the 4 or 5, and show you how to use that english to answer the questions intelligently to get you a passing score.

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