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Ez English Education <> - 2017-02-27

On behalf of Ms. Ronalyn Morales Founder of Ez English Online Learning Center in the Philippines, who aims to aid every professional and non-professional individual in learning English language using our tailored-made curriculum. We, as a team, believe that “We Can Connect The World With English”. As we live in the world of professional competition, we dedicate ourselves to reach out people and organizations who are eager to master the English language for their professional and educational growth yet are not financially competent in paying high online educational fees. Our teaching platform is specifically designed to meet each student’s demand for learning and practicing the English language. All our EZ ENGLISH instructors have specialization in online English mentoring and have advanced online ESL training in child and adult online language education.

Currently, we have partnerships with schools and professional bodies, businesses, and individuals to expand learning outcomes and increase their brand value, track and monitor progress and take corrective actions. It gives you the chance to learn or improve your English remotely by video conferencing online. We are considered as the best by our clients and it would be an honor to provide our services to you.

Lovely Baltazar
Marketing Officer

Help us to connect the world with English.

Looking forward,

Shelley Wakai
Human Resource Manager, Ez English
0915 139 2062

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