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Jonathan <> - 2016-07-22

Who are we looking for?
We are looking for fluent or proficient English speakers to help language learners improve their English conversation skills.

How will I help people learn English?
On Pop On you can get paid to be a “Language Partner”, an “Online Teacher”, or both!

Language Partners focus teaching student’s spoken English by guiding them through conversations where as “Online Teachers” focus on the more traditional style of teaching by helping students build their foundation through the use of curriculum.

This is a “Spare Time” job that you can do anywhere, anytime! All you need is a good internet connection & a smart phone!

How do I make money?

- Online Tutor
Tutor sessions will be 15 minutes long with a price set from $2 - $5 based on students request price.

Once you establish a relationship with a student, you can do direct sessions and set your own price from $1 to $60.

- Language Partners
Most of your sessions will last 5 minutes. These sessions are considered "free trials" for our students; however, you will still receive a bonus payment of $0.50 on top of that for up to 50 sessions per day. That's up to $6.00 an hour, just for chatting with people from home! You can also do paid services on our App and will receive a bonus on top of that as well!

- Referral Program
Know someone who wants to learn a language or teach others? Invite your friends & make money!
- If your friend downloads the App using your invitation code, you will get $1
- If your friend becomes a language helper on our app and provides service, you will get $9

- Fluent or proficient English speakers
- Able to lead students in a conversation
- Must have current Apple or Android phone

How do I apply?
IMPORTANT: Please use the following reference number ESLTEACHERSBOARD when you fill out your application in the link below:
Please go to the webpage below to complete your application:

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