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Elizabeth Moore <> - 2015-09-13

Tutor Pace ( is a globally recognized e Learning company. Founded in 2011, Tutor Pace is one of the nation's leading online tutoring providers, serving students of k-12 and college level.

Tutor Pace is currently hiring motivated individuals who is passionate about teaching English and ready to work part time from home.

Applicants should have a bachelor's degree or its equivalent and be able to supply teaching certificates and proof of their education levels. In addition to being experts in their respective fields, tutors are expected to facilitate tutoring one-on-one in each session. Since this is an online tutoring position, all applicants are also required to have their own computers and a stable Internet connection.

If you are an expert in any other field like accounting, science, economics, please feel free to send in your resume!

You can work from home or anywhere else as long as you have a high speed Internet connection. Live tutoring is done through a virtual whiteboard and chat box. For more information on how it works, please visit

Scheduling is flexible, and you can choose your own hours.

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