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Online One-on-One English Training <> - 2015-07-20

Hi – I’m Annemarie.

I specialize in training intermediate+ English speakers who want to become fluent and advanced with targeted, effective one-on-one training. I am also an expert in helping you understand and adjust to American culture for work and daily life.

Does that describe you? Are you an intermediate English speaker who would like to advance in English confidently? Have you tried a lot of classes or online websites but don't feel you are improving?

Whether you need to improve your English for professional or personal purposes, I am certain I can help you succeed through coaching and individualized English training: I have more than 15 years experience teaching English to adults and I have an M.A. in Teaching English as a Second Language.

Start something new today and Be Confident, Be Fluent, Be Connected in English. Visit my website to schedule a trial class or join my free weekly newsletter with advice, resources and mini-lessons for learning English.

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