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Texas ISD School Guide

Travel Tips

How to Tip a Bellhop

Tip whenever a bellhop provides a service, which might include carrying your luggage, showing you the room, opening blinds, showing you how to operate the air conditioner or putting large pieces of luggage on the luggage stand.

Keep small bills available for the purpose of tipping.

Let the bellhop carry your luggage, even if it is one small bag.

Tip the bellhop $5, in a first-rate hotel, plus $1 for each piece of luggage.

Give the bellhop $5 for opening the room and showing it, even if you have no luggage.

Make the exchange seamless. The money should be surreptitiously passed in a handshake or small, minor exchange.

You don't have to call the bellhop when you check out, unless you want to. If you do, he or she will expect another tip. Tip $2 per bag or a $5 flat tip.

The word "tip," which originated in England, was originally an acronym for the phrase "to insure promptness."

Be sure to tip as services are provided; don't wait to put the bellhop's tips on your bill.

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