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Travel Tips

Cancel For Any Reason Trip Insurance - 7 FAQs
By:Marie-Claire Smith

Most travelers have an adventurous side of their personality: there is always a little bit of risk, daring and adventure that accompanies any trip, vacation or tour. In fact, it just may be that this little dash of risk is what makes travel so rewarding and so much fun.

On the other hand, the majority of travelers actually like to avoid financial risk when at all possible. They are no dummies: doing something exciting and new in a far-away land or on the open seas can be fun without having to risk your financial well-being in the process.

It is precisely this aversion to financial risk that most travelers consider buying travel insurance at one time or another. Unfortunately, most travel insurance policies will not cover you if you should decide to cancel your trip before you depart. For travelers who want this type of insurance, it is a good idea to purchase cancel for any reason trip insurance.

For those who want to learn more about how this type of coverage works, here are 7 FAQs about cancel for any reason trip insurance:

1. What are the allowable reasons I may cancel my trip under these policies?

As the name of this type of coverage implies, you do not have to have a "good excuse" to cancel your trip. For example, typical reasons that people have when they utilize this coverage include: you experience a medical emergency, your kids or other family members need you, or something big comes up at work that you cannot afford to miss.

2. By what date do I need to purchase the insurance?

This varies by insurance provider. In general, you will need to buy the insurance from 24 hours to 14 days after making your initial trip payment.

3. What percentage of my expected prepaid trip costs do I need to insure?

Most policies require that you insure 100% of the portion of your trip costs that are non-refundable.

4. Are there any other restrictions?

You may not be "unable to travel" at the time you buy your policy (i.e., when you pay your premium). In other words, you have to be planning on, willing to and able to travel on the trip at the time you buy the policy.

5. How soon before my scheduled departure date may I cancel my trip?

This, too, varies by policy provider. Usually, you need to cancel within two days of your planned departure date in order to remain covered under the policy.

6. What is the maximum payable amount under a typical policy?

Most airlines, tour operators and cruise ship operators allow you to receive a partial refund if you cancel your trip in advance.; you must pay what is called a "scheduled penalty." This means that the operator withholds a portion of the amount you initially paid and will never refund you for that portion. That is why you buy the trip cancellation insurance: your cancel for any reason trip insurance policy will then cover a portion (usually 70%-100%) of the non-refunded portion.

7. Does this type of insurance apply to delays or to mid-trip cancellations?

No, this type of coverage only applies to trips cancelled before the scheduled departure date. In other words, the policy will not pay you if you simply delay your trip or if you cancel after you have departed.

Consider these 7 FAQs as you shop for the best cancel for any reason trip insurance policy.

Find out how to get the best deals on cancel-for-any-reason travel insurance at: Cancellation Okay Travel Insurance http://www.travelinsurancegonzo.com/cancel-for-any-reason-travel-insurance.html.

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