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Re Anxiety about TP during CELTA course
By/Re:Jo <pajeros@hotmail.co.uk>
12 December 2010
In Response To: Re Anxiety about TP during CELTA course (cunning linguist)

Thank you very much for your kind reply to my message. You have put my situation in perspective. I withdrew from the course on the third week and the course leader persuaded me to continue. I have now completed half the course and have another ten weeks to go after Christmas. I think you are right about a fear of failure. I had one teaching practise session when i completely got lost with the grammar i was talking about and that was when i withdrew from the course. Since then the trainers have not given me any grammar teaching to do, but i know that will come after Christmas. You suggest good preparation is the key to feeling more confident about my teaching and that is good advice. I am shakey on grammar, and my hand shakes when i write on the board, so i avoid it. If i prepare my lesson plan really well and make sure i understand the grammar i am teaching hopefully all will go well. The waiting to teach continues to be agonizing and i could walk away, every time. It is not getting any easier. But i will continue to stick with it. Interesting that you mentioned that the trainers have to be tough on you to get you up to scratch for teaching - i had not thought about that before. Thank you.

Messages In This Thread

Anxiety about TP during CELTA course -- Jo 10 December 2010
Re Anxiety about TP during CELTA course -- cunning linguist 12 December 2010
Re Anxiety about TP during CELTA course -- Silverboy 13 December 2010
Re Anxiety about TP during CELTA course -- cunning linguist 15 December 2010
Re Anxiety about TP during CELTA course -- wdb 14 December 2010
Here is the book reference for you...LOL -- Garcia Ramon Lopez, Bullfighter 16 December 2010
Re Here is the book reference for you...LOL -- wdb 16 December 2010
Re Here is the book reference for you...LOL -- Rock'n Roll Daddy 17 December 2010
Re Anxiety about TP during CELTA course -- Silverboy 15 December 2010
Re Anxiety about TP during CELTA course -- Jo 12 December 2010
Re Anxiety about TP during CELTA course (Resources, Native_Speakers) -- cunning linguist 13 December 2010
Re Anxiety about TP during CELTA course -- jo 25 March 2011
Re Anxiety about TP during CELTA course -- cunning linguist 26 March 2011
Re Anxiety about TP during CELTA course -- jo 29 March 2011
Re Anxiety about TP during CELTA course -- Jo 17 December 2010
Re Anxiety about TP during CELTA course -- cunning linguist 20 December 2010

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