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Branded and Profitable Pre-School for Immediate Sale - HRBR Layout, Bangalore!!!!
By:nkprabhakar <nkprabhakar@gmail.com>
Date: 9 December 2014

Dear All,

We are planning to sell our branded and profitable Pre-school business which has been in operation for the last 6 years.

65+ students and options for establishing Daycare, Activities, Hobby Club etc

Office table, Computer chair

School kids furniture - 5 classrooms

White boards - 5

Story telling boards - 5

Alphabet and Number writing boards - 5

Montessori materials

Playway method materials

School Van

Outdoor play items like Slide, See-Saw, Swing, Basket ball etc

TV, Microwave Oven, Prime Location, in Bangalore
Digital Classroom with content from a reputed company

If interested, please contact me for more information.

Nandakumar Prabhakar

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