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Albert Ellis - 2010-07-07

I'm just backing up the last post about this school. It's a fake and Mr Ferran Miguel is a con-man who is based in San Jose ,California. Supposidly the boss of this school. My experience with this low-life is similar to the previous post. I traced his ip and it is in California nowhere near Spain. My alarm bells were rung by his hopeless english grammar and the interview via skype was a joke. He constantly referred to questions about large classes and whether I was bothered by homesickness or some such crap like that. If you are going to employ a teacher you ask about methodology and what books you have used etc. I nearly got fooled by him and he sent me a flight plan from my hometown that was way expensive and also that I would be re-embursed the fair on arrival. So teachers be aware this guy is only after your flight fare. The school does exist in Barcelona but Miguel hi-jacked the site and used it to pull off his scam. I just hope that this informs teachers to steer well clear of this guy, he's a fake.

Albert Ellis

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