Return to Index › Deposit under my name before travelling
#1 Parent markone - 2015-06-15
Re Deposit under my name before travelling

come on, think about it.. why would they need to hire an English teacher from outside England?! and why choose you? are you a world-renowned professor?
good luck... going through life filled with such naivety could be a beautiful thing, i guess

#2 Parent Admin - 2015-06-14
Re: Deposit under my name before travelling

It's a scam. There are dozens of examples of such scam on this board.

Adriana Horta - 2015-06-13
Deposit under my name before travelling

I need to know if it is correct that a person that is hiring me as an English Teacher for his family asks me to make a deposit of 800 pounds in my name before I go to UK. If you could, please, help me with any information....

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