· Previous · Next Return to Index › Hong Kong scam using name of bona fide school called King's College
Belinda - 2015-02-11

Hi there, I’d like to warn everyone of yet another scam I have encountered in Hong Kong. This person was claiming to be the principal of a government funded secondary school King’s College on Hong Kong Island. They were very convincing but once again made up an excuse for not being able to do a Skype interview because of the language barrier. Once I had signed the contract they referred me to their travel agent who according to the principal I had to. This travel agent sent me such a ridiculous price list of how much it would cost me for the work visa and documents. I phoned the number on the schools real website and asked to speak with the principal who then told me it was definitely a scam and she had received quite a few calls from foreign teachers. If you find a job, don’t hesitate to phone the school directly using the number on their website and not the number provided to you. Someone there should be able to speak English and help verify whether or not it’s legit.

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