Return to Index › CNN: Nigerian pretends to be British engineer, gets $47,000 frm gullible lonely widow for "accident" (Other Scams)
#1 Parent ROY - 2009-05-05
Re: CNN: Nigerian pretends to be British engineer, gets $47,000 frm gullible lonely widow

I ever worked in Nigeria and really experienced surviving traps. There is an item anti fraud called No. 419 clause. My principle is that do not belive "free meal". there are many things too good to accept.

some nigerians sent emails syaing plenty money will be transfered to my country, I was choosen to open an bank account to received this money. as a agency fee, some big money will come to me after I pay some money to a nigeria bank account as bank service fee or incoming tax. my unchanging reply is " hi, 419, go to hell"

Typical - 2009-03-17
CNN: Nigerian pretends to be British engineer, gets $47,000 frm gullible lonely widow for "accident" (Other Scams)

CNN article "Nigerian's online scam nets 19-year sentence" - See link below.
Young married Nigerian man sees the message of a lonely widow online.
He tells her he is a British engineer working in Lagos who lost his wife and kid in a car accident; sends photo of a middle aged white man. He writes that he loves her, he nurtures the relationship via email, they become engaged via email...
After a while, he calls her pretending to be a doctor, saying that the fiance got hit in a car accident, and asks for money for treatment.
She sends the money.
Later, he asks her to send money for a plane ticket to her country, saying that he wants to visit her.
Overall, he got $47,000 from her.

I was not aware that Nigeria had an Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, Nigeria's anti-corruption police (this is what the article says). Considering the number of online frauds coming from Nigeria, they must be quite busy...

Read the whole article at the link below.

Return to Index › CNN: Nigerian pretends to be British engineer, gets $47,000 frm gullible lonely widow for "accident" (Other Scams)

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