View Thread · Previous · Next Return to Index › Scam: "Mr . Herbert Distel, Milton Keynes, England - Mercedes Benz UK Limited" (fake tutor job)
Linds - 2009-03-16

I was hit with an identical email today and googled all over to see if it was a scam. I didn't get any hits because the name was different on mine. I thought it was suspicious because the from email address and the address actually mailed from were different. It looks like the address actually mailed from was out of India. Beware! I did contact them back and ask about insurance and to see a contract. They simply said insurance was provided and to send my information quickly. It was a fast response too, within an hour. It was a little early in the morning I believe over in England to respond that fast.

Here is the email I received...

My name is Mr . Herbert Distel. I'm a new executive staff of
Mercedes-Benz United Kingdom Limited . We currently resides in Milton
Keynes, Bukinnghamshire, United Kingdom.
I urgently need an international English teacher for my sons (Steven 6
and Hankel 10) for a year period. Starting April or May or June, 2009.
i saw your profile at
I need you to know this; i lost my wife few months ago, she died of
breast cancer.
Me and my sons, we are moving on with our lives and we just relocated
from Germany.
My sons are disciplined and brilliant. They will continue their
education here in Milton Keynes but they need to know good English
Language to help them ok.
My wife taught them English language long time ago when she was alive
so right now they are simply beginners .I mean they can speak little
fair understandable English with lots of room for improvement.
So you will teach them English for four hours daily excepting Sunday.
I will pay you Five Thousand United States Dollar ($5000.00) per month.
i will also provide a well furnished two bedroom apartment for you,pay
your visa and work permit application fees and your flight ticket.
Please note that we are friendly, good Christian family.
We enjoy watching Gospel music video, playing lawn tennis, and
visiting tourism centers in Europe and North America.
We promise to make sure you enjoy your entire stay with us.

If you are interested, do email me the following ;
1. Your resume
2. Your degree or diploma certificate
3. Your phone number (with your country calling code) and
4. Your recent pictures ok.


Mr. Herbert Distel
Mercedes Benz UK Limited
Delaware Drive,Tongwell,
Milton Keynes MK15 8BA.
United Kingdom.
+447024075945 or +447024076738

Messages In This Thread
(Scam Alert) ESL Homeschool Teacher England Scam (fake tutor job) -- alrac -- 2009-02-19
Re: (Scam Alert) ESL Homeschool Teacher England Dr.Charles Morris Clark Scam (fake tutor job) -- English Teacher -- 2010-07-13
Re: (Scam Alert) ESL Homeschool Teacher England Scam -- Sanguine -- 2010-09-22
Re: (Scam Alert)Dr. Peter Winzinger ESL Homeschool Teacher England Scam (fake tutor job) -- Tom -- 2010-07-13
Re: (Scam Alert) ESL Homeschool Teacher England Scam (fake tutor job) -- Leonard -- 2011-01-03
Re: (Scam Alert) ESL Homeschool Teacher England Scam -- Turnoi -- 2011-01-03
Re: (Scam Alert) ESL Homeschool Teacher UK Scam Michael Jürgen Schneider (fake tutor job, England) -- cautious -- 2009-05-09
Dr. Jian Kang of Anhui Province of China (fake tutor job, England) -- Karen Markle -- 2011-04-19
Re: Dr. Jian Kang of Anhui Province of China (fake tutor job, England) -- Jules.A -- 2011-08-30
Re: Dr. Jian Kang of Anhui Province of China (fake tutor job, England) -- Turnoi -- 2011-08-31 (fake tutor job, England) -- Be careful online -- 2010-11-14
Re: (Scam Alert) ESL Homeschool Teacher England Scam -- ROY -- 2009-05-05
Re: (Scam Alert) ESL Homeschool Teacher England Scam (fake teaching job) -- Vikki -- 2009-02-20
Scam: "Mr . Herbert Distel, Milton Keynes, England - Mercedes Benz UK Limited" (fake tutor job) -- Linds -- 2009-03-16
Re: Scam: "Mr . Herbert Distel, Milton Keynes, UK - Mercedes Benz UK Limited" (fake tutor job, England) -- Benz -- 2009-03-18
Re: Scam: "Mr . Herbert Distel, Milton Keynes, UK - Mercedes Benz UK Limited" (fake tutor job, England) -- Bobby bobton -- 2009-04-12
Re: Scam: "Mr . Herbert Distel, Milton Keynes, UK - Mercedes Benz UK Limited" (fake tutor job, England) -- HD -- 2009-03-24
Re: Scam: "Mr . Herbert Distel, Milton Keynes, UK - Mercedes Benz UK Limited" (fake tutor job, England) -- I may have been born on a weekend but not last weekend!!! -- 2009-03-29
"Mr. Jurgen Distel" in our case. His legal helper was called "Barrister Dunn Rennicks Esq." (fake tutor job, England, visa) -- Anonymous -- 2009-05-18
Re: "Mr. Jurgen Distel" in our case. His legal helper was called "Barrister Dunn Rennicks Esq." (fake tutor job, England, visa) -- The Owl -- 2009-05-18
Distel's and Rennick's email addresses (fake tutor job, England, visa) -- Aonymous -- 2009-05-18
Re: Distel's and Rennick's email addresses (fake tutor job, England, visa) -- The Owl -- 2009-05-18
I discovered the authorities in England had no interest to investigate Internet scams - Warning -- Benz -- 2009-03-21
View Thread · Previous · Next Return to Index › Scam: "Mr . Herbert Distel, Milton Keynes, England - Mercedes Benz UK Limited" (fake tutor job)

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