View Thread · Previous · Next Return to Index › Re USD1,750 per month, World Christian Youths Assembly
San - 2011-03-31

I am one of thier victim, paid money and I stop recieving response from them too.

Messages In This Thread
USD1,750 per month, World Christian Youths Assembly (fake job offer?) -- I have been scammed -- 2011-01-19
Re USD1,750 per month, World Christian Youths Assembly -- Alert -- 2011-01-23
Re USD1,750 per month, World Christian Youths Assembly -- Turnoi -- 2011-01-23
Re USD1,750 per month, World Christian Youths Assembly -- SERDAR -- 2011-03-01
Re USD1,750 per month, World Christian Youths Assembly -- San -- 2011-03-31
View Thread · Previous · Next Return to Index › Re USD1,750 per month, World Christian Youths Assembly

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