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Veritas - 2015-05-14
In response to Re Jiangxi Finance and Economics Univ (martin hainan)

Martin Haian, a Chinese name.....I thought you may be way. Your English and cultural understanding of America is way to low.Learn English before you criticize thsoe who understand their native tongue of English. Some of you Chinese supervisors (only those in insular provinces like Jiangxi, and in central China westward) do not understand English enough. And then you get mad at foreigners when you get confused. I suggest you write down exactly what you mean and let the foreigners do the same . And then do not try and be a mind reader and think you can disregard what the foreigner said. The real big city Chinese foreigners and they were right when they told us to not trust inland provinces. It is just language difficulties. Do not get angry. Learn from the Chinese in larger cities.

Messages In This Thread
Jiangxi Finance and Economics Univ -- Trusted wrong province -- 2015-02-12
Re Jiangxi Finance and Economics Univ -- San Migs -- 2015-02-12
Re Jiangxi Finance and Economics Univ -- martin hainan -- 2015-02-12
Re Jiangxi Finance and Economics Univ -- Dr. Paul Gentle -- 2015-02-19
Re Jiangxi Finance and Economics Univ -- Balo -- 2015-02-19
Re Jiangxi Finance and Economics Univ -- martin hainan -- 2015-02-20
Re Jiangxi Finance and Economics Univ -- Veritas -- 2015-05-14
Re Jiangxi Finance and Economics Univ -- Veritas -- 2015-05-14
Re Jiangxi Finance and Economics Univ -- martin hainan -- 2015-05-14
Re Jiangxi Finance and Economics Univ -- Veritas -- 2015-05-14
Re Jiangxi Finance and Economics Univ -- Balo -- 2015-02-20
Re: Re Jiangxi Finance and Economics Univ -- Fifi -- 2015-02-20
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