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kitchener - 2015-05-01
In response to Re Let's stay on the point (Walter)

I haven't any knowledge about the currant situation in these areas about if there continues to be employment opportunities there for foreigners as foreign teachers or the recent phenomenon of hassle from the local police. But with the recent puniitive changes to the visa laws, no rightminded illegal will teach there, and those who have working visas won't either. China continues to shoot itself in the foot, that's how stupid the legislators are, and have been in the past. Or will the situation change in the future? Being an optimist, I's be pretty sure it will.
I expect that ielts school will rise from the ashes, and ev will be ok too. Money will talk if channelled into the right places!

Messages In This Thread
Re: Rubbish Yuncheng Middle School, China -- Yuncheng EV Teacher -- 2013-02-28
Re: Rubbish Yuncheng Middle School, China -- foxy -- 2013-02-28
Re: Rubbish Yuncheng Middle School, China -- Mancunian -- 2013-02-28
Re: Rubbish Yuncheng Middle School, China -- anti-trolls -- 2013-02-28
Re: Rubbish Yuncheng Middle School, China -- Mancunian -- 2013-03-01
Re: Rubbish Yuncheng Middle School, China -- Raymond -- 2015-06-17
Re: Rubbish Yuncheng Middle School, China -- San Migs -- 2013-03-01
Re: Rubbish Yuncheng Middle School, China -- Mancunian -- 2013-03-02
Re: Rubbish Yuncheng Middle School, China -- Dragonized -- 2013-03-02
Re: Rubbish Yuncheng Middle School, China -- Moses -- 2013-02-28
Re: Rubbish Yuncheng Middle School, China -- telling the truth -- 2013-06-15
Re: Rubbish Yuncheng Middle School, China -- silverheels -- 2013-06-17
Re: Rubbish Yuncheng Middle School, China -- Beelzebub -- 2013-06-17
Re: Rubbish Yuncheng Middle School, China -- silverheels -- 2013-06-18
Re: Rubbish Yuncheng Middle School, China -- Beelzebub -- 2013-06-18
A Link you should read before teaching in China -- the truth -- 2013-06-17
Re: Rubbish Yuncheng Middle School, China -- Dragonized -- 2013-06-15
Re: Rubbish Yuncheng Middle School, China -- John O'Shei -- 2013-06-16
Re: Rubbish Yuncheng Middle School, China -- Beelzebub -- 2013-06-16
Let's stay on the point -- the truth -- 2013-06-17
Re Let's stay on the point -- the truth -- 2015-04-25
Re Let's stay on the point -- Walter -- 2015-04-26
Re Let's stay on the point -- San Migs -- 2015-04-27
Re Let's stay on the point -- The Truth -- 2015-04-27
Re Let's stay on the point -- martin hainan -- 2015-04-26
Re Let's stay on the point -- The Truth -- 2015-04-27
Re Let's stay on the point -- Walter -- 2015-04-26
Re Let's stay on the point -- The Truth -- 2015-04-27
Re Let's stay on the point -- The Truth -- 2015-04-27
Re Let's stay on the point -- Obie1 -- 2015-04-27
Re Let's stay on the point -- The Truth -- 2015-04-28
Re Let's stay on the point -- Obie1 -- 2015-04-29
Re Let's stay on the point -- The Truth -- 2015-04-30
Re Let's stay on the point -- Scotty -- 2015-05-02
Re Let's stay on the point -- martin hainan -- 2015-05-03
Re Let's stay on the point -- John O'Shei -- 2015-05-04
Re Let's stay on the point -- San Migs -- 2015-05-05
Re Let's stay on the point -- The Truth -- 2015-05-05
Re Let's stay on the point -- The Truth -- 2015-05-02
Re Let's stay on the point -- Walter -- 2015-05-03
Re Let's stay on the point -- Walter -- 2015-05-03
Re Let's stay on the point -- The Truth -- 2015-05-03
Re Let's stay on the point -- Walter -- 2015-05-04
Re Let's stay on the point -- The Truth -- 2015-05-05
Re Let's stay on the point -- John O'Shei -- 2015-05-04
Re Let's stay on the point -- Walter -- 2015-05-05
Re Let's stay on the point -- The Truth -- 2015-05-05
Re Let's stay on the point -- A discerning Dissector -- 2015-05-03
Re Let's stay on the point -- EVAVENGER -- 2015-06-09
Re Let's stay on the point -- The Truth -- 2015-05-08
Re Let's stay on the point -- Walter -- 2015-05-08
Re Let's stay on the point -- Walter -- 2015-05-04
Re Let's stay on the point -- Scotty -- 2015-05-03
Re Let's stay on the point -- The Truth -- 2015-05-03
Re Let's stay on the point -- Walter -- 2015-04-30
Re Let's stay on the point -- The Truth -- 2015-05-01
Re Let's stay on the point -- The Truth -- 2015-05-01
Re Let's stay on the point -- kitchener -- 2015-05-01
Re Let's stay on the point -- The Truth -- 2015-04-29
Re: Let's stay on the point -- Beelzebub -- 2013-06-17
Re: Rubbish Yuncheng Middle School, China -- Beelzebub -- 2013-06-15
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