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Jeff - 2015-02-16
In response to Re Weci English School (martin hainan)

And it is people like you that keep Americans from starting the fun adventure across seas...

I am American, Born and raised on the boarder of Michigan and Ohio in a little shit hole city called Adrian Michigan. Worked most of my life as a mortgage banker in Livonia MI and Troy MI. Prior to China I was working for a small mom and pop shop in Anandale VA still in the mortgage industry. Moved south because I married a hot Chinese chick who lived in the area. After being married a while she wanted to move to Changchun to take care of her grandparents for a few years who are in poor health and that is how I found my self here. Well what is a white guy who speaks no Chinese going to do in China? Well, teach english thats what. One of the easiest jobs to get and the schools will scramble to hire you. All the schools need more white teachers. Most of them come from other countries though, like the UK. Why? Because most Americans are to pampered and to scared to take any risks so they stay home. Sadly they are the most wanted by the Chinese students parents.

Look if you want to teach in China... come here for a week on a tourist visa and see a few schools on your own. You can just walk into the schools when they are open and meet the manager of foreign teachers and chat. If you find one you like they will help with hotel costs and putting you up and getting you started and you can stay. Most places will fly you to hong hong or south korea for you to get your z visa. This way you have no contract signed and you can just leave if you don't like it. So simple... remove the risk all on your own.

I hope this relieves some of your paranoia. You may want to chat with your therapist. Not everyone in China is out to get you. The government may not be in love with us but the people highly respect us and desperately want to immigrate to our country.

Messages In This Thread
Weci English School -- LM -- 2012-12-03
Re Weci English School -- Jeff -- 2015-02-15
Re Weci English School -- martin hainan -- 2015-02-16
Re Weci English School -- John O' Shei -- 2015-02-16
Re Weci English School -- Jeff -- 2015-02-16
Re Weci English School -- GREG -- 2015-03-24
Re Weci English School -- Jacqueline Mackenzie Robb -- 2015-05-13
Re Weci English School -- Ann Arend -- 2015-12-05
Re Rubbish Weci English School -- Seen it all -- 2015-05-13
Re Weci English School -- GREG -- 2015-03-23
Re Weci English School -- martin hainan -- 2015-02-19
Re Weci English School -- San Migs -- 2015-02-17
Re Weci English School -- Terence -- 2015-02-18
Re Weci English School -- San Migs -- 2015-02-22
Re Weci English School -- : yu2fa3 -- 2015-02-22
Re: Re Weci English School -- Fifi -- 2015-02-22
Re: Re Weci English School -- : yu2fa3 -- 2015-02-23
Re: Re Weci English School -- Fifi -- 2015-02-24
Re: Re Weci English School -- : yu2fa3 -- 2015-02-25
Re: Re Weci English School -- San Migs -- 2015-02-24
Re: Re Weci English School -- Punisher -- 2015-02-25
Re Weci English School -- martin hainan -- 2015-02-16
Re Weci English School -- GREG -- 2015-03-24
Re Weci English School -- Curtis -- 2015-02-19
Re Weci English School -- San Migs -- 2015-02-22
Re Weci English School -- GREG -- 2015-02-22
Re Weci English School -- San Migs -- 2015-02-25
Re Weci English School -- GREG -- 2015-02-28
Re Weci English School -- San Migs -- 2015-03-01
Re Weci English School -- San Migs -- 2015-03-01
Re Weci English School -- martin hainan -- 2015-02-19
Re Weci English School -- San Migs -- 2015-02-22
Re Weci English School -- jeff -- 2015-02-18
Re Weci English School -- San Migs -- 2015-02-22
Re Weci English School -- Alec -- 2015-02-18
(Message Deleted by Poster) -- hanniesworld -- 2013-07-11
Re: Weci English School -- Expat back pat -- 2013-01-06
Re: Weci English School -- foxy -- 2013-01-06
Re: Weci English School -- Lannie Malcom -- 2012-12-19
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