View Thread · Previous · Next Return to Index › Re Birmy International English (China - head office in Jiaojiang, Taizhou) - The truth
Beth - 2014-11-12

I was in Taizhou in 2010 and I had a friend who worked at Birmy (Terry Bradshaw) whom I spent a lot of time with during my time in TZ. He was happy and enjoyed working for Birmy. It wasn't a great school, not many are anywhere in China, but it was certainly better than a lot in the area, to the point I had considered joining the staff there before I made my decision to leave TZ for Dalian.

I honestly believe a lot of the problems people have with TCs is that they arrive expecting western standards of living, and in a place like Jiao Jiang that is never going to happen. Then they're expected to actually lesson plan and try get frustrated as they are not really teachers, just people looking to fund a trip to Asia. The school is often to blame for not making living conditions and workload clear during the interview, but this is a question of managing expectation. For a Chinese person the apartments and workload given to FTs must seem western, as it's a damn sight less than Chinese staff are expected to do in terms of hours and the apartments are much bigger and less crowded than those Chinese staff live in!

And yes, unfortunately they do practice 'white worship', especially so I found in TZ where they really weren't used to foreigners; I was followed around by gaggles of Chinese folk wanting pictures with me when I first arrived as I was one of only 6 western women in the local area in 2010! But a school can't really be blamed for the attitudes and beliefs of a nation.

Messages In This Thread
Re Birmy International English (China - head office in Jiaojiang, Taizhou) - The truth -- A Teacher -- 2014-11-11
Re Birmy International English (China - head office in Jiaojiang, Taizhou) - The truth -- Beth -- 2014-11-12
Re Birmy International English (China - head office in Jiaojiang, Taizhou) - The truth -- Cultural Annihilation and The Birth Of Modern China -- 2014-11-12
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