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Beth - 2014-11-07

No, for idiomatic language use in a foreign language I have not relied on you nor would I do so. Certainly not! Instead, I rely on other more reliable sources and -sometimes - my own intuitive language creativity.
Like your oh so correct "take the shoes that fits" instead of wear... And "Wide off the mark" instead of of...?

Oh yes, you're far more reliable! Hahaha!

For example, kids making faces is centre training level and acting like a white monkey muppet show at EF. I watched the EF video, and what I saw was not impressive in the slightest
No it probably wasn't... And I don't teach like that which is why I clashed so often with the bosses at the EF branch I worked at. It's only your wilful ignorance that keeps you thinking this is the kind of teaching I do. You choose to continue making yourself look foolish by repeating this fallacious nonsense when it all the evidence points to the contrary. But do feel free to continue making yourself look ignorant and stupid!
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Re Training centre level deeching -- Beth -- 2014-11-07
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