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Curtis - 2014-11-02

Fine, I wanted to just figure out what to do to make this industry better, because as I keep saying training centers are essential for a lot of people. I hope to have a real discussion with grown adults, not little boys that have had a few bad experiences from a shady Chinese boss. We have all had horrible Chinese employers, but it doesn't have to be that way. I don't care if you speak Chinese you shouldn't need to hide behind that to make it sound like your opinion is any more valid than anyone else. I really want you to tell me how you would run a training center and make it an acceptable work place and not just give responses that make you sound like a child on a tantrum saying all training centers are crap.

Are all these people going abroad to teach going to end up at Universities and government run schools? Are you kidding yourself? I agree there are so many bad schools. I think there needs to be more foreign owned, not managed schools, but owned. Hopefully those schools are run by people who have done the grind with EF, DD, Kid Castle, etc, and they have a vision to make a training center that is profitable for them but fair to their employees. Fun to work at.

Like it or not little boy, those brand name schools we all hate and those douche bag bosses we have all worked for are still going to be around because Joe Doufis is still going to go and teach in China for 2 years when hes 22 and thus those schools will survive.

Let's figure out a way to make it better. But first you need to grow up little boy.

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Re: ABIE American Baby International English, Liaoyang Center -- Curtis -- 2014-11-02
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