View Thread · Previous · Next Return to Index › Good employer: Prince Island English Kindergarten, Beijing and elsewhere in China
MyNewEmployerSucks - 2014-10-18

A bit of change here, seeing only bad reviews and fake good reviews from suckers on this board I decided to talk about one of my previous employers with who I spent my 2 best years in China so far.

Prince Island English Kindergarten is a branch of Royal Bridge Education Group, they have 4 kindergartens in Beijing, 2 in Chengdu and 1 in Liuzhou for what I know, and they are expending rapidly. The head office is also located in Beijing and you will deal with them for things like payment even if you are in Liuzhou which is pretty much the opposite of the country. But no worries, they always paid me on time and even paid my last 15 working days (my contract ended in the middle of June).

The kindergartens are nothing fancy but you will not have to do anything except teaching and that is what I want, I hate it when schools want you to play dumb activities with the kids, or eat fruits together while they take photos of their laowai, if I want to I will join myself, unlike many places you don't have to join the flag raising ceremony and other BS. You will teach then can go home, no mandatory office hours. Each class is between 15 and 25 mins, 3 classes in the morning, same in the afternoon. They have one excursion per semester that will be one or two hours away and it will always be on your working day, you will usually come back early around 1 or 2 pm and can go home, no need to teach in the afternoon. Also no useless meetings (common in China).

Schools provide materials and free accomodation in very decent apartments off campus. They are located in the suburbs (at least in Beijing and Chengdu) but you can reach the downtown areas in 30 min or so using public transportation.

I recommend this place to everyone, one teacher has been there for 10 years, another for 8 years, the company will raise your salary when you renew your contract, up to you to negociate, I managed to get 2000 more on the second year.

Wendy is in charge of recruiting (or was as of June 2014): or

Messages In This Thread
Good employer: Prince Island English Kindergarten, Beijing and elsewhere in China -- MyNewEmployerSucks -- 2014-10-18
Re Good employer: Prince Island English Kindergarten, Beijing and elsewhere in China -- Beth -- 2014-10-18
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