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Beth - 2014-09-20

Somebody never said it in the first place, your whole thread is based on your own mistake!

I am not an expert in pinyin, but one doesn't have to be to know there are more ways to do something than just the way YOU say so.

Starting a whole thread just to insult someone, as you did with this thread is what is childish BS, not us pointing out your massive errors! The fact you got it so unbelievably wrong from the start and yet still blame and insult others shows how delusional you really are.

When in doubt, mudsling! It's the Turnoi way! Haha!

Messages In This Thread
Re Pretend "experts" on Chinese/Pinyin -- Beth -- 2014-09-20
Re Pretend "experts" on Chinese/Pinyin -- Veloce -- 2014-09-20
Re Pretend "experts" on Chinese/Pinyin -- Veloce -- 2014-09-20
Re Pretend "experts" on Chinese/Pinyin -- Concerned Teacher -- 2014-09-21
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