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Londongirl - 2014-09-16

He clearly says he feels that being drunk, so long as you've showered and have breath mints, is not a problem. If it is not a problem, it is acceptable.

Teaching whilst under the influence of alcohol in never and I cannot believe you are defending him for it. Of the students were your priority, then even suggesting a man who turns up to class, half-cut, in yesterday's clothes reeking of alcohol and sex is a suitable person to teach a class so long as they change their clothes and have a packet of tic-tacs handy would not be an option to you.

Nor would be saying the other things he said about students only deserving to do as they're told, and teaching not really being a priority for him. The moment teaching becomes something you do to simply fund a lifestyle is the day you should stop teaching.

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Re Being drunk while teaching -- Londongirl -- 2014-09-16
Re Being drunk while teaching -- Londongirl -- 2014-09-16
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