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Veloce - 2014-09-15
In response to Pigeon chess (Londongirl)

Ha ha ha! Yes I did get it. Sadly these days are unlike the heady days for him, when he would return to the roost to the cooing acclaim of the seedy-six. Now he has to make do with one very tired coo from a bedraggled-looking stool pigeon. The poor animal is shattered because he has had orders to circle Essex all day picking up information. What has happened to the seedy-six? Don't know- they could be languishing in Chinese jails for all we know.

To Turnoi.
You keep trying to persuade LG to not have anything to do with me. You imagine because you and her share some views (for different reasons) you will stand a chance of driving a wedge. Unlikely mate, because if she picks holes in my English (and she has) I will either take it on the chin or argue in a reasonable way without recourse to smearing her good name and character. And this building up a dossier on her has to be really sick. Anyway, she has no agreement with me. I believe she has answered about two of my posts in a very short and direct way. All of this[your tactics] I am sure is being done to muddy the waters after she analysed your English. The verdict as I saw it was; it would be impossible for you to go head to head with that bus driver to land an FT's job, if you were both tested. LG has already stated she didn't agree with me.

Messages In This Thread
Re Lesson Plans -- Londongirl -- 2014-09-14
Re Lesson Plans -- Veloce -- 2014-09-14
Re Lesson Plans -- Londongirl -- 2014-09-14
Re Lesson Plans -- Concerned Teacher -- 2014-09-15
Re Lesson Plans -- Veloce -- 2014-09-14
Pigeon chess -- Londongirl -- 2014-09-14
Re Pigeon chess -- Veloce -- 2014-09-15
Re Pigeon chess -- Londongirl -- 2014-09-15
Re Pigeon chess -- Veloce -- 2014-09-15
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