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Concerned Teacher - 2014-09-13
In response to Re: a dissection (EX_EFDL Teacher / Londongirl.)

LG, I don't have as much time for this arguing as previously, so I will just disagree with one point and leave you in peace for your weekend, if that is alright.

And yes, I do believe 'conversational English' 'teachers' who do not have the same qualifications as I do (English degree, PGCE and a DELTA) are not as effective as I am, because I have more training and experience than they do. So yes, I do think someone who has said in the past they want to teach 16 hours of speaking with minimal lesson planning so they can get to their free time quicker is an inferior teacher to me.

I still maintain a PGCE is nothing more than a year or however long it is of jumping through hoops, my brother does not have one, but he got QTS status by doing it on the job, so to speak. I don't believe qualifications a good teacher maketh. Sorry, but in my vast experience it is EXPERIENCE on the JOB that counts, you can walk into an interview or job and be very good at talking the talk, but I would want to see you walking the walk....and that goes for everything, I previously ran a small business in China and everyone would tell me they were very good at their job, when in fact they were mediocre at best. Again, not personal at you but I would say a degree in Linguistics or TESOL like Silverboy has, 4 week tefl cert, and 2 years EFL teaching experience are enough to be an ESL teacher anywhere in the world. Riddle me this one? How can a BA get you a high tax free salary in Saudi Arabia, no PGCE needed, think on that one, seeth on it if necessary, but you know I am right. A PGCE is only for international education or the UK, not needed for us tefl teachers, thank you very much. Also, that 16 lessons a week with minimal planning refers to the public sector in China, not a training centre as you worked at, or a college/university in Saudi Arabia, and yes I have worked in the middle east...have you?? But I bet you won't go there because you cannot drink your favourite wine, and they don't allow womens rights, RIGHT?! You can say people who only want a public job are inferior teachers, but in my opinion, and it is MY perogative they are not. 16 periods a week of 1 lesson plan, say mr bean goes on holiday (I have a worksheet handout for this, so it is NOT just watching the movie btw!) is good enough. Free time is for chinese girls and beer, and that is how it should be. I will live my life as I like, consequences be damned, and I don't need your feminist oppressive views to tell me how to live my life.

Messages In This Thread
Re Robert de Beaugrande -- EX_EFDL Teacher / Londongirl. -- 2014-09-10
Re Robert de Beaugrande -- Concerned Teacher -- 2014-09-12
Re Robert de Beaugrande -- Concerned Teacher -- 2014-09-11
Re Robert de Beaugrande -- EX_EFDL Teacher / Londongirl. -- 2014-09-11
Re: a dissection -- Concerned Teacher -- 2014-09-12
Re: a dissection -- EX_EFDL Teacher / Londongirl. -- 2014-09-12
Re: a dissection -- Concerned Teacher -- 2014-09-13
Re Robert de Beaugrande -- Bonjour -- 2014-09-10
Re Robert de Beaugrande -- EX_EFDL Teacher / Londongirl. -- 2014-09-10
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