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Veloce - 2014-09-12

No, not a misogynist. I don't agree with that. If you mean putting down Chinese women involved with crappy schools, those criminal Chinese women running training centres ( it's not only men involved ) involved in all sorts of corruption, well, they not only deserve to be "put down", they deserve to be put in prison ASAP.

The same with all the greedy, lazy, arrogant and superficial Chinese women with an entitlement mentality, the "world owes me a living" mentality.

Yep, I'd put them down, maybe they should "put down" permanently, meaning death, haha!

I see we are back to the same old nonsense about the worthlessness of Chinese women. I feel it's been put in as a smokescreen to get attention away from all the refreshing, revealing, recent London Girl posts. But to answer this post ,it has to be. If you feel like that; don't have anything to do with the brazen hussies.

Back to LondonGirl. I am sure she hasn't meant to but the outcome of the last week has served to reinforce my belief that just because a teacher has lots of genuine qualifications, it doesn't necessarily mean he has even as much grasp on the English language as a retired bus driver from Brighton. A lot maybe to do with- where did the qualified teacher study? I myself am not knowledgeable of these academic matters. But one thing is apparent- a degree in English obtained in 'one place' isn't as good as a degree(and other qualifications) obtained in another. Although both degrees may meet these "minimum standards" the bus driver will have a much better grasp on English than the 'one place' student.

LondonGirl has reinforced my belief and confidence in some native English speaking FT's with little or no formal education; even though that wasn't her goal. If I were a Chinese school I would oblige all job applicants to take a (not using any old yardstick from the Internet)competence in English examination. The results wouldn't be unexpected for me. You'd see some FT's that otherwise meet the 'minimum asked standards' fail miserably and some bus drivers pass. Like LG ,my hope is that we can have future arguments free of vicious slagging.

Messages In This Thread
Re: Re Pretend expert on Chinese....hahahahaha -- Veloce -- 2014-09-12
Re: Re Pretend expert on Chinese....hahahahaha -- White collar smug -- 2014-09-12
Re: Re Pretend expert on Chinese....hahahahaha -- Veloce -- 2014-09-12
Re: Re Pretend expert on Chinese....hahahahaha -- White collar smug -- 2014-09-12
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