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EX_EFDL Teacher / Londongirl. - 2014-09-09

The crucial point is this:

Instruct Chinese learners to use "the" in English in contexts where they could use "this" or "that" in Chinese; in all other contexts where they could not use "this" or "that" in Chinese, they should use "a" or "an" in similar contexts in English.

Hold on, so your entire rule, that you're so proud of, was to equate the English words with the corresponding Chinese words?!


I wish I'd thought to do that before in language teaching. Oh wait, I have. Everyone has. This is not a ground breaking discovery, my dear fellow, it's basic teaching.

When you say "Il libro de Beth" quite literally "the book of Beth", we say in English "Beth's book" - this is the basis of language teaching! To show your students how to translate how they speak in their language in to correct English speech/writing.

And of course it's complicated teaching language function to students who don't have that function in their own language, if it was as easy as simply translating each word directly we wouldn't have to teach languages we could just use google translate!

Articles, definite and indefinite, are still taught at intermediate level. I taught them at that level in China and I teach them at that level in Europe.

If you're having to teach them at advanced level, then either your students have had rubbish teachers previously or your classes aren't as advanced as you think they are!

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Re: Re EF bashing instead of women bashing! -- EX_EFDL Teacher / Londongirl. -- 2014-09-09
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