View Thread · Previous · Next Return to Index › Re Save yourself from HELL!!!!= STAY AWAY from Shane English Schools (AILE), Dongying, Shandong !!!
We come in peace (shoot to kill) - 2014-06-26

Shandong does have many beautiful long legged women though! :)

As for the SHANE ESL business, it's just about money sadly. Some of the students are feral and ruin a class from start to finish. A class only needs one arrogant little tosser in it to give the FT and TA nothing but a headache and constant attention that (it) craves.

I say to my school, just let the little bastards leave! The other 6 (good) students suffer because of one little tosser. How is that fair on them students? It isn't of course, but my words go in one ear and out the other. I'm worried the good stuents will leave just becasue of one child! It's completely bonkers why they don't allow the bad one to go so they have a better chance of keeping all of the the others.

Also, I really like some of the Chinese staff up here. We socialize outside of school and they help us whenever we ask.Some of you guys on here are so god damn negative!

The bulk of my work is at the weekend except a few night classes during the week. I'm not going to complain about that ha ha the very naughty boys do really piss me off mind, and test my patients every week. but considering everything, i'm living comfortably in ZIBO now. The air here is just disgusting though, how can China treat it's own people like this?

Anyway that's another debate for another part of the forum.

All the best!

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Re Save yourself from HELL!!!!= STAY AWAY from Shane English Schools (AILE), Dongying, Shandong !!! -- We come in peace (shoot to kill) -- 2014-06-26
View Thread · Previous · Next Return to Index › Re Save yourself from HELL!!!!= STAY AWAY from Shane English Schools (AILE), Dongying, Shandong !!!

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