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Concerned Teacher - 2014-06-25

Valid points, but I actually find the UK less freer than China, and I don't mean in terms of a free press or anything like that. I mean a stifling and all encompassing political correctness bordering on madness, that restricts businesses and individual and personal freedoms.

Now a man can't fish, because of the hi-viz jobsworth crew who follow EU diktat to the hilt, how we ever get involved in this extension of the Third Reich and French frippery I shall never know. As I recall it was all about nuclear power and coal in the beginning and a common energy market. Now you have an Italian politician saying he will push the United States of Europe agenda. Those baltic republics and poland have left the soviet yoke, and are now under a new union, the European Union, which will surely impose laws on them and restrict them in everything from farming to fishing.

When I can drink a beer on the street in my hometown, not feel like a criminal and being violated while transiting through Heathrow, and not be astounded at the arrogance of jobsworths or people with a namebadge, then perhaps it will feel like home. In the meantime, Churchill must be turning in his grave at all what he fought for, being sold out and being sold to the british public as for our own good.

Messages In This Thread
Re Huamei Foreign Language School Binzhou Shandong China -- Concerned Teacher -- 2014-06-25
Re Huamei Foreign Language School Binzhou Shandong China -- John O'Shei -- 2014-06-25
Re Huamei Foreign Language School Binzhou Shandong China -- Concerned Teacher -- 2014-06-25
Re Huamei Foreign Language School Binzhou Shandong China -- John O'Shei -- 2014-06-25
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