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Letme showyou - 2013-11-26

Well, where to begin with this little gem of an organisation?? The management and administrative department for the whole of the Institute of Applied Technology is without a doubt the worst mish-mash of incredulous, self-centred, ill-mannered, lazy little upstarts you will ever meet! They show you no respect, regard, sympathy or duty of care what so ever! To them you are a servant, nothing more and you are treated as such. On arriving all teachers are given a 20,000 AED resettlement cheque. This is supposed to be for the basics, such as furniture for your house, electrical items and so on. What the company fails to tell you is that you will actually spend this cash on hotels and security bonds for housing. The company pays for 5 days in a hotel, after this you are then expected to go out and secure housing, electricity, water, transport and all of your medical and visa documentations. If you want to bring your family out here with you, expect to wait at least three months before anyone gets up of their backside and approves the request, which you will have to pay in the region of per person 1500AED for, plus the cost of their flights. The same goes with your housing, if you manage to get a house within the 5 days, you will be waiting at least 2 months for them to approve your housing contract, stamp it and hand over the full year's rent in one cheque. All landlords in the UAE expect one years rent paid in full before you move into the house. This is another thing that Al Rowdah, IAT fail to tell their new teachers.

As for the students... imagine children with social learning difficulties and a passion for not wanting to lift a finger in the classroom. Well times this by 10 and you will be nowhere close to how ill-mannered and disrespectful the students really are! The kicker is that all of them are 18 years +! They have been wet nursed and spoiled since birth and have had servants fulfilling their every wish since day one. That is exactly how the majority of them view you as a teacher, a servant and nothing more. They are lazy, they hate working and all want to relax and sleep in the classroom. They have no idea about punctuality and not one of them will bother to bring a pen or pencil to class with them... Oh, and they also leave their books at home or in a friends car every single day!

The worst of the worst are the female students! They will stab you in the back as soon as look at you! They smile at you in the classroom, then as soon as break time comes they are off to the manager's office to lodge a complaint about the teacher standing too close to them or looking them in the eye whilst talking. They are lazy, loud and very ill-mannered by any cultural standards. It is not uncommon to find half the class asleep or on their phones during lesson time. The worst thing is, the management know what nasty little madams they are, but they still listen to their endless complaints and drag the teacher in for a formal meeting regarding standards and sensitivity.

Nothing gets done with this company, it is like banging your head against a brick wall. The students do not give a damn! They do not want to learn, the only reason they even turn up to class is because the government pay them to be there!

Think long and hard before coming here.

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Al Rowdah Academy, Institute of Applied Technology in The UAE -- Letme showyou -- 2013-11-26
Re: Al Rowdah Academy, Institute of Applied Technology in The UAE -- Just an Observer -- 2013-11-26
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