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John O'Shei - 2013-11-11

Well, it looks like the market could even dictate that. Both of the local XDF branches that I occasionally pass by never seem to show any signs of life, even in comparison to competitors. Wonder if they have suffered bad publicity in recent times on a domestic level.

EF certainly did and now you will see those foreign teachers getting posted outside their branch (from what I witnessed in another part of the city, a few months ago), trying to hand out flyers in desperation, whilst wearing those stupid bright orange EF branded t-shirts, lol. It was even pissing it down outside and most people didn't seem to want an EF flyer, lol.

It is 'rumoured' that the government wants to make things more difficult for training centres for various reasons, consistent immigration law-breaking is only one of many reasons. A huge issue is apparently the 'unofficial' nature of education that they provide... A friend who does part-time at a TC told me about how the HQ's director of studies (of some other kind of super-deecher) paid an unexpected visit to their centre and was warning people to be careful about what they say to students, do not criticise China in any way etc. Although the chilling effect sounds scary, it could be a good thing if it phases out unsavoury elements, after all most TC teachers tend to teach something, but it probably isn't English!

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Re: New Oriental, Beijing -- John O'Shei -- 2013-11-11
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