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Dragonized - 2013-02-18

Not going to tolerate there nonsense of "Things are different here" anymore!!

No one should, as a matter of fact. I would say many of the romanticists as Turnoi coined it don't even know much about western societies due to the uniquely unproductive lives they may have led themselves. The amount of "westernism" if I may make a word up that locals can get from these folks is certainly limited in scope, and may explain the lack of respect that so many locals in China have for westerners.

My own opinions of China didn't just come from my experiences. They came from comparing them to others', conversing with local Chinese to get an idea on how they look at their society as well as the world, and also comparing the characters of those who criticize China versus those who prop China up on a high pole. I must say that while the ESL industry is a magnet for characters in general the ones who say nothing bad or are afraid to say something negative when they speak to local Chinese are usually people who are more messed up in the head. I think my opinion as well as the opinions of some other posters represent the median of how most people would judge China if they had the experiences that me and others share, and in a free market world I am confident that will stand.

Messages In This Thread
Re: PIngdingshan University, Henan province, China -- San Migs -- 2013-02-17
Re: PIngdingshan University, Henan province, China -- Dragonized -- 2013-02-18
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