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Dragonized - 2012-07-09

A Western teacher whom I spoke with recently remarked on how women in the West believe marriage to be an act of merely spreading your legs so you can get security as well as the house, car, status, etc. He said that so many people do this without realizing the lack of dignity behind it. What's more, in countries like China the women will ask the men to make more money without thinking how they could do it themselves. I talked about how I would need to be in a stable, steady relationship to have confidence in the first place with regards to providing things to my girl, it's not the other way around with getting material goods and then finding the girl. You've remarked in the past that any women you date needs to be self sufficient and have at least her own place to live if I remember correctly, I totally agree with that. :)

What's more, it seems like many women feel it's not only okay to be "taken care of" like a princess on a high pedestal. But it's also okay to take the Feminist route and control the man. This type of control can come in different ways such as making/forcing the man to turn over his salary to her, telling him how she doesn't like his friends (creating isolation), and even using sex as a tool to punish. Believing in the right to have the "best of both worlds" in their mindsets can sure create strain and antagonism with their husbands/boyfriends. But I don't see how this can benefit the woman with being feminine and attracting her significant other. I can't say how many men I have met who have said how cruel relationships can be. Hopefully we will all find a nice person to be in a relationship with.

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