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Linda - 2005-12-10

I read a lot of these posting here and I find that a lot of messages have some hard evidence, other just cannot spell or take a five day teaching course and think that you are teacher think again.

First off, I would like to say to all schools and teachers if you do not have a university degree you cannot teach, in most countries you need at least some kind of degree to work legally.

Secondly: Anyone who wishes to teach overseas, remember if you want to have a good experience do things the legal way, because if you dont you are simply asking for trouble. And for those who are working overseas illegally and doing well youre just some of the lucky ones.

Thirdly: To employers, who are just selfish and bring teachers over for your benefit and lie and cheat them, remember this they will blacklist you and you will pay the price for it. All these messages I see here have good points and good sources of information to back up their claim. Rule 220 if you piss me off 2.1 million people will know about it.

And for employers who are defending your company on this site, you have been exposed, hopefully this will now help you change your ways.

Points to follow before you accept that job

1. Have work visa before you go.
2. Ask for photos of the school and your accommodations
3. Read about the country
4. Speak to at least two teachers currently working there
5. Never send money or important documents
6. Decline fines or trust funds in the contract, do not agree to it
7. Never live with anybody
8. Research them on the internet well
9. Ask a lot of questions no matter how stupid they may be
10. And most of all do not date your students or co-workers.

Think about it


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