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Dan - 2005-11-05

is going on?
"The owners of World Star, a man from Belgium and his Chinese wife, are very kind people and will extend that kindness to you in every way imaginable.(Believe me, I don't say this lightly - I've been victimized by recruiters and schools in China just like many other teachers and you can even find some of my rantings here in the archives.)"
Posted By: jcfisfree
Date: 5 November 2005

James, wanna prove people wrong? Tell you what, put my application forward. I would love to go and see for myself. Maybe I can be the judge. Give me the contact number or email of World star. I'll quit my job here and head that way. I'm dead serious about this.


Zhaotong Experimental Middle School Yunnan
Posted on: 5 November 2005

"Expect an exceptionally aloof reception at the school by the principal and several surly staff in key positions".

What do you expect? Get real, this is China. Do you expect the principal, staff and students to line up kneel, bow and greet you like an Emperor every time you appear in school? I doubt you really understand China and its people. To make matter worse you have a Chinese wife. You need to find out more from her.

"Expect no cohesive curriculum framework to follow, or materials. Expect to work with a minimum of adminstrative support, beyond what one should expect in a mainland Chinese middle school".

A teacher of your standing shouldn't be complaining about these sorts of things. Have you ever given a thought to other teachers working in China's mountainous region and the adverse condition, which they work in? Do you think they have facilities like Harvard U?

"Expect most of the senior middle school students to be completely unmotivated in their study of English despite your best efforts as few see any use for it in this backwater town".

You're saying, "I did my best but I guess my best wasn't good enough"...... Giving all your best is one thing but motivation is another. You aren't a great motivator from what I see. How you ever have a heart to heart talk with you students? Have you ever tried finding out about their needs? Have you ever let them look up to you as a source of inspiration? No, you did none of those but instead you castigate your students in public. That's unprofessional.

Sorry Rick, I've got this to say. A teacher with years of experience like you should know better. I know and we all know " A teaching job is an ungrateful job but no matter what happen we are suppose to be there for our students. Isn't that teachers are suppose to do- teach and be there for your students. If you can't do a simple teaching job I suggest you pack it all in. You came to China and got what you wanted- A Chinese wife.. Bring her home to wherever you came from. After all, you have completed your mission.


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